VK5KI IOTA OC-139 – We plan to be on air by ~1100z tomorrow
NEW UPDATE: 7:40pm (ACDT) 12th July – final preparations for the VK5KI expedition are complete. We have confirmed with the owner and the weather for the ferry crossing looks excellent. With luck we will have fine weather in the afternoon and get all of the antennas up tomorrow. If all goes well we should appear on air, most likely on 40m first sometime tomorrow night our time. Watch the DX Clusters and out Clublog live feed for details.

One thought on “VK5KI IOTA OC-139 – We plan to be on air by ~1100z tomorrow”
Hello all from the VK5KI team. I hope to hear and to work u on many bands, I only use CW, but why not?
Even I work u or not, I wish the team all my best, earlier I worked another VK IOTA DX exp, it was from Sandy Islet//VK6ISL on 40 metres.
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