OQRS Service

OQRS QSL Requests
If you wish to receive a direct paper QSL, please request these via my QSL Manager, Charles, using the M0OXO OQRS Service. The cost for a direct card is currently $3USD which covers printing and postage (only). You can request cards for the following expeditions of mine via this route:
(Click on the QSL Card image)
E6AG – September 2017
YJ0AG – April 2018
A35JT – September 2019
– July 2020
You can also request cards to be delivered to you via the QSL Bureau network using the M0OXO OQRS. Bureau cards (2 sided only) will be delivered free of charge.

If you wish to send me a Bureau QSL card, please send those to [island call] “via VK5GR” so that incoming bureau cards are routed to the Australian QSL Bureau system.
DO NOT send your own bureau card via your local bureau addressed “via M0OXO” as they will not be delivered. I am not a member of the RSGB bureau and they will not handle delivery of them.
Note: due to WIA (2018) Outbound member QSL policy for DXpeditions, I will reply to all received incoming bureau cards via my QSL manager.