

Will you help us to help you add Tonga to your log?

Please include your callsign and indicate whether it is a general or a specific EME donation in the Paypal Note!

All Sponsors will be publicly acknowledged on our website (unless you would prefer anonymity) 

Organisational sponsors will also be acknowledged on our QSL cards and in our social media feeds.

Silver and above level donors will receive your direct QSL Cards free

All Donors will receive expedited LoTW confirmation

No DXPedition is cheap and no DXPedition is easy. Much time, effort and personal expense goes into reaching these locations so you can log your “All Time New One” (ATNO), band fill or Islands On The Air (IOTA) awards.

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This year, with Andy VK5AKH, Oly VK5XDX and Steve VK5SFA joining me, we will increase time on air and turn this into a full DXpedition, not just a holiday style one. We are planning multiple transmitters, modes and bands and have operators among us who are proficient in all modes (including CW). We are taking more antennas and plan on having two stations active when possible.

So what are we seeing sponsorship for? Airline weight and baggage size limits are a problem in the South Pacific and are driving substantial freight costs into this DXPedition.  Our goal is to raise a minimum of AUD$2,500 of the total $14,000 cost of this expedition top cover the cost of the additional antennas for bands like 160m, targeted destinations such as Europe and specialist modes such as 6m EME .